6 reasons for gastric bypass: enhancing your health

Your journey to weight loss bariatric surgery is not just to reach your goal weight but in fact, increasing your quality of life. The reasons for gastric bypass are plenty and this article will be discussing why you should consider it. Gastric bypass is a life-changing experience that can cure overweight-related diseases. There are plenty of benefits that RYGB holds, it is a key to boost your overall well-being. This article will cover the most important factors that help both men and women.

Why should you consider gastric bypass surgery?

There are plenty of health benefits that come along with this type of bariatric surgery and it’s mainly to become in a better shape both physically and mentally. So, why should you consider gastric bypass roux-en-y surgery after all? Here are the best reasons for gastric bypass:

  • Significant and long-term weight loss
  • Cure for type 2 diabetes
  • Improves heart and overall health
  • Reduces joint pain
  • No more sleep apnea problems
  • Improves fertility

Gastric bypass risks will reduce and will keep reducing to a minimum as intended. However, to achieve higher health status you will need to follow post-op daily instructions, and periodically it will pay off with great results.

Keep in mind that the healing process is gradual, and the more you stick to the plan given for post-op, the sooner you see results. Usually, the peak of the affectations and remissions for that disease or disorder is after a year of surgery.

reasons for gastric bypass

Significant and long-term weight loss

Bypass is a great solution for weight loss. The process takes at least a year. You will lose 25-35% of your weight in the first 6 months and the weight loss will continue. During this process, you will make many changes in your lifestyle. These will not only help you lose weight but also will help you if you have a health condition. Here are the changes you make and how they affect you:

During your recovery after bypass surgery, your lifestyle changes 180 degrees automatically in terms of diet, physical activity, and rest. Your dietitian gives you a plan for a lifetime to follow, it includes quality and quantity of food. It is highly advised to have regular exercises and follow a schedule, it will help you burn fat, and build muscle tissue. Finally, you need proper rest to organize your energy cycle and have better nights of sleep at night without any struggles. Accordingly, you are expected to have a significant and long-term weight loss, it is possible to lose up to 70% of your weight in 12 months. During that period you will restore your health.

Cure for Type 2 diabetes

Gastric bypass is a metabolic treatment that cures type 2 diabetes and this is one of the major reasons for gastric bypass. But how does that work? Roux-en-y gastric bypass benefits from balancing the glucose levels in the bloodstream, as well as insulin levels in the body. The affectation is due to the new environment in the gut microbiome, that change is also the reason for you to eat differently, as in portion, as well as your appetite.

In addition, you will need to follow the diet program to not just help with abdominal recovery but also to make the beneficial bacteria grow. Therefore your diet must include fiber and a small portion of healthy fats.

This also reduces inflammation which affects insulin sensitivity and gut hormones. Note that you also need consistency in your diet and exercise routine for long-term remission of diabetes.

Improves heart and overall health

Gastric bypass surgery benefits the heart by having a higher quality of blood being beaten through the valves. The issue with heart disease is plaque built in the heart arteries due to excess body weight. Your heart breaths healthier with better blood flow after losing excess weight. Here are the main benefits for your heart after the surgery:

  • Development of blood clots
  • High blood pressure
  • Heart disease
  • Cholesterol levels

Losing weight will prevent heart problems, lower the chances of cancer, heart inflammation, and better overall health status. This is prevention for what is called coronary heart disease (CHD). CHD is caused due to unhealthy food intake, medical history, or genetics. Gastric bypass may not be the cure for this issue but a major motive is to lower the chances of that heart problems drastically. 

Reduces joint pain

One of the many reasons for gastric bypass is a joint pain reliever. Severe obesity and constant pressure on most used joints such as knees and hips will reduce flexibility and health. Weight loss surgery generally reduces joint pain and the results appear after weight loss and you will sense doing physical activities easier than usual.

Within a year post-op, you eventually lose more than 50% of the excess weight, that way your joints benefit from many things such as:

  • High range of physical activity: You can walk for longer distances, working out becomes easier, and the quality of mobility and flexibility increases.
  • Reduce the possibility of joint disease: With significant weight loss, you will prevent infections, such as arthropathies that weaken bones, and pain in most common areas including knees, lower back, and hips.
  • Reduces the risk of joint inflammation: Constant pressure on the joints could cause inflammation which causes chronic pain. Cartilage could be damaged and constant pressure on the joints may lead to a limp and stiffness.

After all, this surgical treatment will prevent you from a potential risk of joint replacement surgeries and increase your mobility. 

No more sleep apnea problems

Do you feel like you lack energy in the morning and feel sleepy even after waking up? Gastric bypass for sleep apnea is the ultimate solution. Studies show that patients who undergo RYGB or sleeve surgery reduce the difficulties in breathing cycles during sleep. Results may not show right after the surgery, but you will notice having higher quality sleep at night whilst losing significant weight.

The cause of shortness of breath while sleeping is the fat located around the neck. After losing weight, you will enjoy better nights of sleep without any breathing problems.

Improves fertility

Bariatric surgery absolutely improves fertility, and losing weight will balance many hormone levels which helps to be able to deliver a baby in the future. Estrogen, testosterone, progesterone, and insulin are all hormones that work to support the chance of being fertile. However, balancing hormones take time, therefore if you have, it’s best to postpone your pregnancy plans until one year from the surgery.

As a woman, losing a significant amount of weight will help with decreasing the excess levels of estrogen. Accordingly, the balanced estrogen hormone improves menstrual cycles and fertility. If you have unusually high levels of testosterone, it will interfere with ovulation. Weight loss also leads to lower testosterone hormones in women’s bodies. 

Progesterone is a hormone responsible for preparing a healthy environment for the uterus after ovulation. Obesity lowers the levels of progesterone hormone and causes difficulties in becoming pregnant. While losing weight, your body will balance this hormone by increasing its level.

Finally, Insulin levels must be balanced in the blood and that is most likely to happen post-op in the long term gradually. Losing weight definitely helps with being more sensitive to insulin and increases menstrual cycles.

The balanced hormones will help you have a regular menstrual cycle and will make it easier to get pregnant. Also, consequently will lead to a healthier pregnancy.

Cummings DE, Rubino F. Metabolic surgery for the treatment of type 2 diabetes in obese individuals. Diabetologia. 2018 Feb;61(2):257-264. doi: 10.1007/s00125-017-4513-y. Epub 2017 Dec 9. PMID: 29224190; PMCID: PMC6448954.

Rariy CM, Rometo D, Korytkowski M. Post-Gastric Bypass Hypoglycemia. Curr Diab Rep. 2016 Feb;16(2):19. doi: 10.1007/s11892-015-0711-5. PMID: 26868861.

Kuno T, Tanimoto E, Morita S, Shimada YJ. Effects of Bariatric Surgery on Cardiovascular Disease: A Concise Update of Recent Advances. Front Cardiovasc Med. 2019 Jul 10;6:94. doi: 10.3389/fcvm.2019.00094. PMID: 31355210; PMCID: PMC6635807.

Arterburn DE, Telem DA, Kushner RF, Courcoulas AP. Benefits and Risks of Bariatric Surgery in Adults: A Review. JAMA. 2020;324(9):879-887. doi:10.1001/jama.2020.12567

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